by Sister Patricia Berliner, C.S.J.
COME, O HOLY Spirit, Come.
The entrance antiphon for this week’s readings is: “The love of God has been poured into our hearts by God’s spirit living in us.”
In the first reading from the Acts of the Apostles, we learn that when the time for Pentecost was fulfilled, they were all in one place together. And suddenly there came from the sky a noise like a mighty wind, and it filled the entire house where they were.
Then we hear the words of the Responsorial Psalm, “Lord, Send out your spirit and renew the face of the earth.”
The second reading from Corinthians reminds us that as a body is one, though it has many parts, and all the parts of the body, though many, are one body, so also Christ. For in one Spirit we were all baptized into one body, whether Jews or Greeks, slaves or free persons, and were all given to drink of one Spirit.
This prepares us for John’s Gospel, which takes us into a small room with the Apostles.
On the evening of the first day of the week, Jesus came to the room where the Apostles were hiding behind locked doors. He showed them His wounds and called peace upon them and breathed into them the power to forgive sin.
They, the sinners, the cowards, the lost, the frightened; they, the big talkers, now rendered speechless and humbled, they, on this day of Pentecost and after many perplexing, mind-boggling, soul-searching days, finally began to understand the message and, in new-found freedom and courage, went forth to proclaim by their lives what God had done and continues to do for those who believe.
After Jesus’ crucification and death, many who had followed Him and proclaimed their loyalty to Him, fled. Few remained and these, too, were frightened, confused, exhausted and lost. They yearned for light, comfort and rest. They sought guidance, signs that God had not abandoned them, though they might have thought to abandon Him. They wondered, perhaps, if they were victims of a cruel joke. And they prayed for God’s Spirit to come upon them, sustain them, save them from their wavering, their need to be reassured.
On the evening of the first day of the week, on the dawn of their new life, behind locked doors, the followers of Jesus waited, fearful of the outcome, fearful of trusting of what they had seen and heard, fearful of proclaiming what seemed impossible and absurd.
Chosen Ones
Then Jesus, suddenly and unexpectedly, was with them, not chastizing, but embracing them, wishing them peace, showing them His pierced side and hands… the crucible, the cost of believing. He told them that they were chosen, as he had been, to use the power of their own experience to bring others to God, to heal, redeem and liberate all who were still living in darkness.
The big talkers were perplexed, finally rendered silent, chastened, and perhaps, frightened, by the truth but many were emboldened to go out and spread the good, unimaginable news. Fear turned to courage; wounds, physical and emotional, were healed; bonds were released and the challenge was issued.
Many who were in Jerusalem for the Holy Days believed. By following Jesus, they received gifts that would change not only their lives, but “the face of the earth.”
What does it mean, this mandate to renew the face of the earth? How can we, sinners, forgive ourselves? How dare we offer forgiveness, when we have sinned against God and God’s creation? Will the power of God’s love, overcome our fear and shame? If we recognize that each of us is all of us, then through faith in the power of our oneness, we become more than we are.
On the day of Pentecost, the cacophony of languages, beliefs, dreams, hopes, fears, healing, the oneness of the recognition of God’s love opened the floodgates and, as they walked through, what had seemed terrifying and impossible became inviting.
Come! Look! Learn! Listen, go beneath the surface. The love of God has been poured out. Go, drink freely. And then, knowing the goodness of God, claim it and proclaim it to all the nations.