
Reconciliation Monday

Lent summons all of us to give everything over to Jesus, making Him the very center of our lives. It means letting go of whatever “idols” usurp his role by occupying the thrones of our hearts. The usual suspects, so to speak, are the three eternal temptations – sex or sensuosity, preoccupation with material possessions, passing earthly power and glory – not different from those the devil posed to Jesus in the desert: to live a life of physical indulgence, possessiveness and dominance over others.

Jesus instead chose the way of the servant, putting our needs first, emptying Himself of His divine glory. This is the Way of the Cross. It is also our way to heaven – the only way.

Monday, March 25 is an extraordinary opportunity to let the healing power of Jesus enter our hearts and clear out the cobwebs of denial, persistent bad habits and the haunting memories of sins past. The Sacrament of Penance will be available in just about every church in the metropolitan area for much of the day, especially from 3-9 p.m. It would ease the challenges our new Holy Father faces to lead a Church full of people living in the state of grace.