Sister Flora Marinelli, C.S.J., a member of the Sisters of St. Joseph, Brentwood, for 57 years, died Nov. 30 in hospice care at St. Patrick’s Convent, Long Island City.
She entered the congregation in 1961 from St. Rita’s parish, Long Island City. She earned a bachelor’s degree in education from Brentwood College followed by a master’s in religious
studies from Fordham University.
Formerly Sister Maria Ubaldus, she taught at St. Charles Borromeo, Brooklyn Heights, 1966-67; Most Precious Blood, Bath Beach, 1967-68; St. Mary Mother of Jesus, Bath Beach, 1968-70; and St. Joseph H.S., Downtown Brooklyn, 1970-72.
She was principal of Our Lady of Lourdes, West Islip, 1972-78, and then regional superior of Region Two, 1978-82.
After teaching religious studies at Fontbonne Hall Academy, Bay Ridge, 1982-83, she began her 35-year ministry at St. Patrick’s, Long Island City, 1983-2018.
Among her awards and honors, she received the Teacher Association Medal of Honor by the West Islip School District for contributing to the growth of youth (she was the first woman religious in the area to receive this honor in the district); the Elizabeth Seton/Thomas More Award from the Brooklyn Diocese in recognition for dedication to the ministry of total parish religious education; and an award for 30 years of service in the ministry of faith formation by the Brooklyn Diocese.
A Mass of Christian Burial took place in St. Patrick’s Church, Long Island City, Dec. 5.
Burial followed in Calvary Cemetery, Bentwood.