Father Art Candreva, I.V. Dei, a member of the Voluntas Dei Institute who served as a parochial vicar at Our Lady of Hope parish, Middle Village, from 1998 until 2014, died Feb. 18 in Port Jervis, N.Y. He was 73.
Born in Brooklyn, Father Candreva was baptized at St. Lucy Church and confirmed at St. Ambrose Church.
He was ordained a permanent deacon of the Diocese of Brooklyn in 1981 and served at Our Lady of Perpetual Help, South Ozone Park; St. Helen, Howard Beach; and Sacred Heart, East Glendale. He was particularly known for his work with young people and for developing religious studies for people of all ages.
He joined Voluntas Dei in 1986 and was ordained to the priesthood for that institute in 1998 by Auxiliary Bishop Ignatius A. Catanello in the chapel at Immaculate Conception Center, Douglaston. He was one of only two priests ever ordained by the late Bishop Catanello. The other is Father John O’Neill, I.V. Dei, who was ordained that same day.
During his time as a priest, Father Candreva dedicated himself to offering healing Masses throughout the diocese.
He retired from active service in 2014.
Father Robert Armato has known Father Candreva for as long as the late priest served in Our Lady of Hope.
“He was very compassionate to the people,” Father Armato said. “He suffered a lot himself. He was able to attend to others’ suffering.
“He would always make people laugh. He had a good sense of humor and he would use it in different situations to cheer people up.
“He was very influenced by Orthodox Christian spirituality, especially in praying before icons.
“He had a great love for the Blessed Mother and the Eucharist.”
The funeral Mass was celebrated Feb. 24 at Our Lady of Hope Church with interment at Evergreen Cemetery.