Diocesan News

13 New Priests for the Diocese

Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio ordained 13 men as priests of the diocese to serve in Brooklyn and Queens on June 28 at St. Joseph’s Co-Cathedral, Prospect Heights.


The ordination class and bishops. From left are Fathers Vincenzo Cardilicchia, Carlos Velasquez, Juan Luxama, Anthony Rosado, Auxiliary Bishop Paul Sanchez, Father Gregory McIlhenney, Auxiliary Bishop Octavio Cisneros, Father Marcin Chilczuk, Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio, Father Evans Julce, Auxiliary Bishop Raymond Chappetto, Father Robert Pierre-Louis, retired Auxiliary Bishop Guy Sansaricq, Fathers Cezariusz Jastrzebski, Peter Penton, Jason Espinal, Jeremy Canna and Felix Herrera.
The ordination class and bishops. From left are Fathers Vincenzo Cardilicchia, Carlos Velasquez, Juan Luxama, Anthony Rosado, Auxiliary Bishop Paul Sanchez, Father Gregory McIlhenney, Auxiliary Bishop Octavio Cisneros, Father Marcin Chilczuk, Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio, Father Evans Julce, Auxiliary Bishop Raymond Chappetto, Father Robert Pierre-Louis, retired Auxiliary Bishop Guy Sansaricq, Fathers Cezariusz Jastrzebski, Peter Penton, Jason Espinal, Jeremy Canna and Felix Herrera.
ishop DiMarzio greets family members of newly ordained Father Vincenzo Cardilicchia.
Bishop DiMarzio greets family members of newly ordained Father Vincenzo Cardilicchia.
Bishop hands an assignment letter to Father Marcin Chilczuk.
Bishop hands an assignment letter to Father Marcin Chilczuk.
The auxiliary bishops of the diocese participate in the liturgy.
The auxiliary bishops of the diocese participate in the liturgy.
Msgr. Kieran Harrington, rector of St. Joseph’s, leads the cheers for the newly ordained.
Msgr. Kieran Harrington, rector of St. Joseph’s, leads the cheers for the newly ordained.
Father Thomas Pettei and Msgr. Fernando Ferrarese lay hands on the heads of the newly ordained.
Father Thomas Pettei and Msgr. Fernando Ferrarese lay hands on the heads of the newly ordained.
Fathers Jeremy Canna and Robert Pierre-Louis confer first blessings on Auxiliary Bishops Guy Sansaricq and Paul Sanchez.
Fathers Jeremy Canna and Robert Pierre-Louis confer first blessings on Auxiliary Bishops Guy Sansaricq and Paul Sanchez.
The standing-room-only congregation strains to see the ordination ceremony.
The standing-room-only congregation strains to see the ordination ceremony.
Newly ordained Father Carlos Velasquez gives his first blessing to a member of the Missionaries of Charity.
Newly ordained Father Carlos Velasquez gives his first blessing to a member of the Missionaries of Charity.