Newest Catholics

The Mass of the Neophytes is an annual gathering with the bishop of all the newly baptized and confirmed Catholics who joined the Church at Easter. It gives the bishop another chance to stay in touch and for the people an opportunity to experience the unity of the Church.

Brooklyn Was Present at The Canonizations

April 27, 2014 was a glorious day in the city of Rome. Two great popes, John XXIII and John Paul II, were canonized as saints of our Church. The priests of the Diocese of Brooklyn were well represented in Piazza San Pietro on that day.

Photo Story: John XXIII

Blessed John XXIII, who will be made a saint April 27, is remembered by many for his warmth, simplicity, social conscience and sense of humor.

Web Exclusive – Slide Show: Welcoming New Catholics

Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio baptized four adults and confirmed 13 during the Easter Vigil at Transfiguration Church, Williamsburg. More than 1,100 people in Brooklyn and Queens entered into full communion with the Church by receiving their first sacraments at Easter Vigils held throughout the diocese.

Walking the Walk in Glendale

Catholics from Glendale and Ridgewood walked from daylight into the night on Good Friday, accompanying the tomb of Jesus and the Sorrowful Mother.

Protecting The Tomb Of Christ

Polish Scout troops from Our Lady of Czestochowa-St. Casimir, Sunset Park, are privileged to stand as the honor guard at the tomb of Jesus during Holy Week.

Families Mark One Year Since Marathon Bombing

BOSTON (CNS) – The families of the three people killed in the Boston Marathon bombing explosions a year ago marked the first anniversary with poignant remembrances and emotional testimonies.

Chrism Mass

Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio was joined by about 250 priests of the diocese for the annual Chrism Mass at St. James Cathedral-Basilica, Downtown Brooklyn.