Catholic Teachers Are Urged to Evangelize

PITTSBURGH (CNS) – The new evangelization is not a new Gospel but refocuses the faithful on the good news of Jesus and involves the renewal of faith and the willingness to share it, Cardinal Donald W. Wuerl of Washington, D.C., told the National Catholic Education Association (NCEA).

Ozone Park Concerts Will Mark Papal Canonizations

The unprecedented canonization of 20th-century popes will be marked with the performance of two of the most popular works by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart – Exultate Jubilate and his Requiem Mass – by the Music at the Gate Chorus and Orchestra on Sunday, May 4, at 4 p.m. at St. Mary Gate of Heaven Church, 101st […]

Leaders React to New Saints – The World Reacts To Canonizations

WASHINGTON (CNS) – Religious, political and secular leaders congratulated the Catholic Church on the April 27 canonization of SS. John XXIII and John Paul II. Here is a sampling of some of the reactions from the world’s religious and political leaders:

Two Popes Canonized In Presence of Two Popes

by Francis X. Rocca VATICAN CITY (CNS) – Canonizing two recent popes in the presence of his immediate predecessor, Pope Francis praised the new SS. John XXIII and John Paul II as men of courage and mercy, who responded to challenges of their time by modernizing the Catholic Church in fidelity to its ancient traditions. […]

Does Modesty Count Anymore?

Off-the-shoulder tops. Short skirts. Sheer, glittery dresses. Clothing for women? Nope. These items were in the girls department of a store I passed by one wintry day. I couldn’t help but wonder: Does modesty matter anymore? And, if not, what does this mean?

Universal Rules to Guide Us on The Path to a Good Life

Life is about rules. We learn that lesson young when a parent says, “Don’t put that in your mouth.” As we age, the list of rules grows. Some rules, such as “Don’t put that in your mouth,” are obvious, and compliance comes without a second thought. Others are more complicated.

Carrying a Tin Cup Full of Grace

Author Annie Dillard has a popular quote: “We catch grace like a person filling a tin cup at a waterfall.” That quote intrigued and troubled me. I stuck it on my bulletin board, next to pictures of my kids, prayers for the canonization of Boys’ Town founder Father Edward Flanagan and a picture of me with Sister Helen Prejean, C.S.J. My bulletin board, in other words, holds for me a variety of reminders of grace.

Channels of Grace And Commitment

In rereading and reflecting on Evelyn Underhill’s wonderful book, “The Spiritual Life” (Morehouse, 1937, pp. 128), I have been moved to try to think as deeply and as clearly as I can about the relationship between God and the person in grace. Writing this series of columns related to Underhill’s book has been a labor of joy for me.

The Difference Easter Made

One of the striking things about the Easter and post-Easter narratives in the New Testament is that they are largely about incomprehension: In the canonical Gospels, the early Church admitted that it took some time for the first Christian believers to understand what had happened in the Resurrection and how what had happened changed everything.