Mindfulness Doesn’t Replace God’s Help

I’m teaching a slightly unusual college freshman course this spring called “The Virtues.” It’s not quite philosophy or theology, at least not after the typical academic fashion. It’s an attempt to present the virtues as something students might want to practice and not just study.

Humanae Vitae: What If?

Cardinal Carlo Caffarra of Bologna has long been a vocal supporter of the teaching on the morally appropriate means of family planning set forth in “Humanae Vitae” (“Of Human Life”).

Renewed by a Grace-Filled Friday Evening

A few months ago I experienced what developed into a grace-filled Friday evening. It was the first Friday of the spring semester at St. John’s University, Jamaica. During the day, I had spoken for almost three hours at the university. By evening, I was hoarse and tired and did not feel like attending a Renew Group meeting to which I had been invited.

Honor of Motherhood

The second Sunday in May officially was proclaimed as Mother’s Day in 1914 by President Woodrow Wilson. It came after a campaign by a woman named Anna Jarvis of Grafton, W.Va., who first celebrated it in 1908 as a memorial for her own mother. Since then, it has become part of the nation’s spring calendar. […]

The Church Is No Place For Status Climbers

VATICAN CITY (CNS) – The Catholic Church is no place for “climbers,” who want to reach the heights of prestige, power and profit, Pope Francis said.

Try Prayer! It Works! Contest

Brithney Rivera, a young parishioner of All Saints parish, Williamsburg, won third place in the seventh grade category of the national Try Prayer! It Works! student art contest.

Poet, Holocaust Survivor Befriended Future Saint

PHILADELPHIA (CNS) – Hanging on the wall in her office is a painting of horses standing in a field with overcast skies and a vast, fallen tree, struck down by lightning in a ferocious storm.

Museum in St. John Paul’s Home Is Designed to Inspire Change

WADOWICE, Poland (CNS) – The designer of a new multimedia museum opened in St. John Paul II’s family home said he hoped previously unseen footage of the saint as a young priest would encourage people “to change their lives” rather than “just heaping praise” on the Polish pope.

Farmer’s Letter Invited JP II to Iowa in 1979

TRURO, Iowa (CNS) – People in and around the small town of Truro, southwest of Des Moines, still remember Joseph Hays as the farmer whose letter persuaded Pope John Paul II to come to Iowa during his, and any pope’s, first tour of the U.S. in 1979.