You’ll Never Solve the Mystery of the Trinity

Every year, we celebrate the feast of the Holy Trinity, a central doctrine of Christianity, the belief that God is one in three Persons. We have been told over and over again that this is a mystery that no one can possibly understand. Yet, to the degree that we can penetrate this mystery, it has the power to transform our lives.

Bensonhurst Kept Vigil During the Canonization

For those who couldn’t quite manage a weekend sojourn to Rome for the recent canonizations of SS. John XXIII and John Paul II, St. Athanasius Church, Bensonhurst, hosted its own celebration.

Co-Cathedral Set for Dedication on May 13

Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio will dedicate the church and altar of the Co-Cathedral of St. Joseph, Prospect Heights, on Tuesday evening, May 13, at 7:30 p.m. The liturgy will be broadcast live on NET TV, the diocese’s 24-hour cable television channel.

‘Gimme Shelter’ Lady Says: ‘I Love My Work’

WASHINGTON (CNS) – Kathy DiFiore has spent more than half of her life as the “shelter lady,” taking vacant convents and other buildings in New Jersey and turning them into shelters for unwed pregnant women. The work of DiFiore, now 67, was made into a feature film, “Gimme Shelter.”

UN Questions Vatican On Clergy Sex Abuse

VATICAN CITY (CNS) – Appearing before a U.N. committee monitoring adherence to an international treaty designed to fight torture, Vatican officials repeatedly were asked about efforts to investigate allegations of clerical sexual abuse, punish offenders and cooperate in prosecuting perpetrators.

Pro-Abort Pols Told to Pass on Communion

ROME (CNS) – Catholic politicians and judges who support laws in conflict with Church teaching on abortion, euthanasia, marriage and related issues commit “sacrilege” and cause “grave scandal” if they receive Communion, said the U.S. cardinal who heads the Vatican’s highest court.

Syrian Patriarch Brings Peace Mission to B’klyn

Syrian Catholics have a part to play in re-establishing peace in their homeland, despite the fact that they are a minority. But before any serious attempt is made, foreign troublemakers, who include terrorists and bandits, must leave the country.

That’s the opinion of Patriarch Gregorios III, the Melkite Patriarch of Syria and Lebanon.

Vatican Cardinal Rebukes Choice of LCWR Honorees

VATICAN CITY (CNS) – Using what he acknowledged was unusually “blunt” language, the head of the Vatican’s doctrinal office rebuked officers of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious for honoring a Catholic theologian whose work was judged “seriously inadequate” and for promoting futuristic ideas he described as “opposed to Christian revelation.”

Public Prayer – Supreme Court Rules in Favor

WASHINGTON (CNS) – The Supreme Court ruled this week that prayers said before town council meetings in Greece, N.Y., do not violate the Constitution. In their 5-4 decision, the judges noted a historical precedent to opening local legislative meetings with a prayer were not coercive to those in attendance.

Heirs to the Promises of Easter

Today we celebrate the Fourth Sunday of Easter, but we are hearing Pentecost readings. We reflect on God’s Voice, God’s Word, The Voice and the voices of those who believe.

I do not open the Bible, read from the Lectionary or pray the psalms without recalling these words.