Not Everyone Happy Pope Was in Jerusalem

Many Jews in Jerusalem said while Pope Francis’ visit to their city was a positive thing, they wished their daily commute did not have to be disrupted so drastically.

Pope and Patriarch Mark 50 Years of Ecumenism

Half a century after a historic encounter between their predecessors, Pope Francis and Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew met in the same place to seek inspiration for Christian unity at the site of Christ’s death and resurrection.

Agenda for US Bishops’ Meeting

The U.S. bishops, meeting in New Orleans June 11-13, will discuss today’s economy and its impact on marriages and evangelization.

The Greatest Treasure on the Planet is Ours – Every Day

It is no coincidence then that as soon as Christ ascends into heaven, the apostles return to the birthplace of the Eucharist – the Upper Room – and dedicate themselves to prayer, modeling the very thing we do each week.

Should CCHD Be Used for Schools?

It’s commencement season, and tens of thousands of students are graduating from inner-city Catholic elementary schools. As decades of empirical research have shown, these kids have a better chance of successfully completing high school and college.

Chair for Catholic Intellectuals

One day I saw an ad in a Catholic magazine for a new book titled “What Is God? How To Think About the Divine” (New York: Paulist Press, 1986, pp. 143, $14.95) by John Haught. Then I did something a professor should never do: I ordered the book for the course before I had even read the book!

Francis’ Invitation

It didn’t take long for Pope Francis’ “spiritual” journey to the Holy Land to develop political overtones. This pope is a master communicator. Whether it is his smile, his touch or simply his presence, he sends messages that are unmistakable.