And So It Begins…

The reaction of the majority of the press demonstrates once again the lack of understanding of the nature of the sacrament of marriage in the Catholic Church.

Remembering War’s Victims

Pope Francis looks at tombstones as he walks through the Austro-Hungarian cemetery for soldiers of World War I in Fogliano di Redipuglia, Italy, Sept. 13.

New Franciscan

After completing his year as a novice, Brother Joseph Bach, O.S.F., left, made his profession of vows as a Franciscan Brother of Brooklyn. He has been assigned to St. Francis Prep as a teacher in the religion department. Pictured with him is Brother William Boslet, O.S.F., superior general.

Thank You, Bishop Scharfenberger

On Wednesday, Sept. 24, at 7 p.m., the Diocese of Brooklyn will celebrate a Mass of Thanksgiving for Bishop Edward Scharfenberger, when all may personally congratulate and offer best wishes to him upon his ordination and installation as the 10th Bishop of Albany, N.Y.

Longest-Serving University President Will Retire in 2015

Fittingly, the announcement came inside Xavier University of Louisiana’s convocation center, the newest of many green-roofed monuments that Norman C. Francis, the longest-serving university president in the U.S., had built through charisma, prayer and personal witness.

Going Offline to Connect in Real Life

Yesterday, I left my cellphone on the kitchen table when I left the house. It felt as if the apocalypse happened! The first hour wasn’t so bad. It was bright and early in the morning, and I had coffee to drink and work to do.

Faith Helps Rookie Ref Achieve NFL Dreams

INDIANAPOLIS (CNS) – The emotion poured out of Bryan Neale when he learned that the dream he had pursued for 25 years had finally come true. The NFL informed Neale earlier this year that he had been chosen as one of the 13 new referees hired for the 2014 season.

Peruvian Artists Create

CHACAS, Peru (CNS) – Freddy Cerna is about the same height as the statue he carves from Italian Carrara marble. His backward baseball cap and buggy protective goggles are a sharp contrast to the delicate face he perfects with his carving tools. The statue of Mary, her hands folded in prayer, stares back at him.

Diocese Asks Reversal of Seal of Confession Ruling

BATON ROUGE, La. (CNS) – The Diocese of Baton Rouge has asked the U.S. Supreme Court to reverse a Louisiana Supreme Court decision that a priest may be compelled to testify as to what he heard in the confessional in 2008 concerning an abuse case. The legal step is the latest in a case involving Father Jeffrey Bayhi, pastor of St. John the Baptist Church in Zachary, La., and the sanctity of the seal of confession.

Religious Liberty Opposition Is Getting More Aggressive

(CNS) – Religious liberty is under aggressive assault on many fronts in a culture increasingly insensitive to rights guaranteed by the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, according to speakers at a Sept. 15 forum in Manhattan. The program, “In the Founding Tradition,” was organized by the Alliance Defending Freedom and drew 100 people to the Union League Club.