Pax Christi: Bombing ISIS Only Encourages Recruits

WASHINGTON (CNS) – Expanded airstrikes on Islamic State positions in Syria serve as little more than a recruiting tool for the extremist group and place more innocent people in danger, the leadership of Pax Christi International said.

Victory for Migration Services

Eva Limbert was the guest speaker at the Catholic Migration Services fundraising reception Sept. 18 at Time Warner, Inc. Limbert shared her story about her efforts to stay in her apartment following a landlord dispute.

Thank You, Bishop Ed

Priests of the diocese and friends gathered for a Mass of thanksgiving Sept. 24 at Immaculate Conception Center, Douglaston, to honor Bishop Edward Scharfenberger’s service to the Diocese of Brooklyn. Bishop Scharfenberger, a Brooklyn priest, was installed as the Bishop of Albany, N.Y., in April.

Group Challenges IRS Restriction on Religion

WASHINGTON (CNS) – With a new election cycle approaching, churches are reminded of what they can and cannot do under a decades-old congressional amendment that prohibits political campaigning in such institutions.

Q&A About Upcoming Synod of World Bishops

Here are some frequently asked questions about the extraordinary synod of bishops and the answers:   Q. When and where is it? A. Oct. 5-19, 2014, Vatican City Q. What is this? A. The synod is a meeting of Pope Francis, bishops, clergy and laypeople. Q. What is its purpose? A. Pope Francis has written […]

Pope Warns About ‘Hidden Euthanasia’ of the Elderly

VATICAN CITY (CNS) – Pope Francis warned against the abandonment and neglect of the elderly, calling it a “hidden euthanasia” rooted in today’s “poisonous” culture of disposal and an economic system of greed.

NET to Air Live Coverage Of Beatification in Newark

New Evangelization Television (NET-TV) will broadcast live the Beatification of the Venerable Miriam Teresa Demjanovich from the Cathedral Basilica of the Sacred Heart of Newark, N.J., on Saturday, Oct. 4, beginning at 9:30 a.m. “This is the first beatification to take place in the United States, ever,” said Archbishop John J. Myers of Newark. “In […]

Family Meeting in Philly Beginning to Take Shape

PHILADELPHIA (CNS) – Sept. 22 marked exactly one year before the start of the World Meeting of Families in Philadelphia, so organizers for the event took the occasion to brief staff of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia on the latest details.

Vatican Says Climate Control Is a ‘Shared Responsibility’

UNITED NATIONS (CNS) – A sense of “shared responsibility to protect our planet and the human family” must influence how nations react to the reality of climate change, the Vatican’s secretary of state told the U.N. Sept. 23.

Vatican: All Nations Must Fight Terrorism

UNITED NATIONS (CNS) – Addressing the U.N. Security Council Sept. 24, the Vatican’s secretary of state said “terrorism represents a fundamental threat to our common humanity” and its escalation requires the response of a “shared commitment” from all nations.