Letters to the Editor

Is Doomsday Near?

Dear Editor: If the three letters of Aug. 1 (Readers’ Forum) enthusiastically supporting Donald Trump reflect the view of a significant proportion of the American electorate, I can only say with Hamlet, “Then is doomsday near.”


Bay Ridge


Dear Editor: I don’t think when Donald Trump talks about illegal immigrants, he is only talking about Mexicans and Central Americans, but all illegals who enter America whether crossing the border or coming by boat across any shore or entrance point of the USA.

If we follow Jesus, we should be asking, do you need help regardless of who we are or the color of our skin or age or whether we own a home or are homeless.

We should be asking how we fell on hard times. Was it because we lost a job; witnessed 9/11; became very ill and/or lost our loved ones who always helped us?

Instead what we get when going for help is: you were born here and should have no trouble getting a job; you own a home, we can’t help you; you are living with family, you don’t qualify.

Many who get these answers have always paid their taxes and then fell on hard times. They then find there is no help especially if one is American-born.

It may be the case that a worker was responsible and the leaders are not aware this happens, but it does all the time. Then people become burned and lose hope which America is so in need of.

