Our Youth

Frassati Vocation Group

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Members of Cathedral Prep’s Frassati Vocation/Discernment Group listen to Father Fonti.

Cathedral Preparatory School and Seminary, Elmhurst, has a group where young men meet to speak about the call to the priesthood.

The group is named after Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati. Frassati was born in 1901 in Turin, Italy. While his time on earth was short, 24 years, he lived his days with passion and joy. A model of virtue, Pope John Paul II called him “a man of the beatitudes.” Athletic, outgoing and faith-filled, his attention was turned toward the needs of others. Striving for holiness, he put his trust in God “in whom all things are possible.”

The Discernment/Vocation Group at Cathedral is open to sophomores, juniors and seniors. Members meet every Friday with Father Joseph Fonti, alumnus and rector-president.

Sophomore Joe Tuseo said that attending this group’s meetings “makes you think.”

“It opens your eyes to the challenges and blessings that all priests face during their priesthood. You see the profound amounts of trust people have in priests and the trust priests have in God,” Tuseo said. “A priest’s life is truly a blessed one and the hardest vocation I’ve ever come to know.”

Shane Wynne, senior, also shared his experiences.

“Growing up as an Irish immigrant you might imagine my family to be really religious but actually you’ll be surprised,” he said. “I attended a public school in Queens for a year but I felt God had another plan for me. He knew Cathedral Preparatory School and Seminary was where I would get closer to Him.”

Wynne added that at Cathedral he had the opportunity to talk about his vocation “in the brotherhood of Pier Giorgio Frasatti.”

He said the young men are able to talk about their vocations while Father Fonti leads them through all the obstacles in society. They also get a better understanding of what it’s like to be a priest.

“Father Fonti gives us the insight of what it’s like with his many humorous, serious, and honest stories,” Wynne said. “He thoroughly tells us what it takes to be a Man Made for Greatness. I’m grateful for having a school like Cathedral.”

One thought on “Frassati Vocation Group

  1. This is great,all catholic high schools should have this.These young mean will be well prepared knowing about high,lows the good the bad and what to do to not fall