
20 Years a Bishop

It is with great joy and respect that we mark the 20th anniversary of the episcopal ordination of Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio.

In his years of episcopal service, our bishop has shown an incredible commitment to spreading the gospel message. He has been a Good Shepherd to the diocese; a father and brother to his priests, and a man who has done what he believed was necessary to further the Kingdom of God.

We think about the number of vocations that have been nurtured in his time here.

We think of the countless numbers of ordinations he has performed to the priesthood, to the permanent diaconate, and to the episcopacy. His dedication to vocation recruitment is second to none.

We think of the countless ways he has struggled and fought for the rights and dignity of the unborn, the elderly, the disabled, the immigrant and the worker.

We think about the hours that he has put into establishing a firm foundation and structure, both financially, administratively, and spiritually, for both our parishes and Catholic schools.

In every circumstance, even when faced with personal slander, our bishop has remained true to the teachings of the Church and has remained a model of what it means to be a priest.

More on Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio’s 20th Anniversary.